Top 7 Tips For Keeping Your Water As Clean As It Can Be
Just because your water is clear, doesn’t mean that it may not be contaminated. Dangerous water can exist in city water or in country farming water. Our bodies are made up of 70% of water and we need clean water to survive in everything we do on land.
But, how clean is our water?
In efforts to save money, The State of Michigan decided switched Flint’s water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River, notorious for its filth.
The Flint River water that was treated inappropriately and caused lead from aging pipes to leach into the water supply, resulting in elevated levels of the heavy metal neurotoxin. There is a lot of controversy about this toxic disaster discovery—if authorities knew or didn’t know, when unsafe conditions were discovered, where the problem stemmed from, or who’s to blame for dirty water.
(CNN)Flint, Michigan, lies about 70 miles from the shores of the largest group of fresh water bodies in the world: the Great Lakes. Yet its residents can’t get clean water from their taps. —CNN
Regardless of who’s fault it is, there were a series of dirty water problems with lead contamination, creating a serious public health danger and could have been avoided by taking steps to test the water. As a result of poor testing protocol, the contaminated water had increased death statistics.
To determine if your water is clean, there are ways to be proactive. Your community and neighborhood depends on you to take steps to keep your water as clean as it can be.
Top 7 Tips For Clean Water:
Contact your local government
A comprehensive water inspection by your City Water Department can detect water problems. Dissolved solids, metals, minerals, and other impurities cause odors or odd tastes, affecting your health. Water additives and impurities that you can’t taste, see, or smell—such as arsenic—can cause serious problems.
Know what’s in your water
Healthy people and healthy ecosystems are apparent in our global water system. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes that water is our most valuable resource. But, contamination of our world’s waters leaves 2.5 billion people with limited access to sanitized water sources. Global water conditions are declining and we’ll soon have to rely on polluted water sources unless a concerted effort to clean our water supply is made.
Be aware of disruptive construction or sewer work in your neighborhood
Excavating through trenches in and around your town could affect your drinking water. However, typically your municipality will notify their residents if there’s excessive sewage work in your area. Civil authorities will instruct you to run your water or encourage usage limitation. Most cities will mail out letters if your area will be affected by ditch digging or prolonged road construction.
Wetlands act as a natural filter that keeps chemicals, excess nutrients and sediment from continuing through the water system. —Ecological Society of America
Drainage work can often conjure up sludge and debris in your pipeline system, especially if there has been recent flooding or if your area is known to have increased water trouble. If your city is nearby lakes or rivers, rainwater can escalate. Sewage backup can travel towards your home system instead of away from your pipes. Again, keeping close communication with your municipality can avoid problems.
Watch for dingy or cloudy water
If you suspect a problem, be safe instead of sorry. Contact your city’s water department immediately and call a plumber in your area to conduct a water inspection.
- The moment you notice something seems off with your water—odor, taste, or appearance
- If utility bills begin to rise exponentially
- After moving to a new house
- If water appliances begin failing or collecting residue
- If water fixtures have mineral build-up and run slower than normal
Testing your water for quality usage is the first plan of action to acquire fresher, better tasting water. Ask your plumber about a basic water test. Inspections usually are conducted for free and take about ten (10) minutes. The tests can be done right in your house with quality results are shared when the test is completed.
Don’t forget about your cooking water
We think we’re safe by rinsing off our fruits and vegetables with our tap water. We may be preventing pesticides, but we could be doing more damage to our bodies by adding other pollutes to the mix. The chemical reaction to various substances are nonetheless dangerous. Contaminate water can take years to show up. Symptoms have been known to reveal themselves in deadly illnesses.
Be informed if there’s a problem in your neighborhood
If there’s a problem in your city’s water ecosystem, chose to be safe by purchasing bottled water or boiling your water for an extended time. Stock up on distilled or purified water gallons in the event of an emergency.
Clean water is the single most important building block of ecosystems around the world. —Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Protect your children or pets from swimming or drinking your water if you suspect contamination
Be diligent about keeping your home safe, that includes guarding your family from toxins or pollution. Water is vital to your health and wellness. Without clean water, you’re putting you and your loved ones at risk.
According to Culligan, more difficult-to-detect water problems from your initial test results can determine whether more comprehensive laboratory (IL EPA certified lab) analysis is necessary.
Keep Both City Water or Well Water Clean
It’s important to to know where your water comes from so you can avoid potential problems and keep the quality of water pure. And well or bore water is no exception in keeping clean, especially if you leave on a farm where livestock are at risk.
Well (less than 20m deep) water has shallow cavities that can invite unwelcome ground elements and poisonous foliage to intersect with water and cause problems.
Well pumping mechanism can wear out, the water level may drop and pipes or electrical cables above ground can be damaged by mowing over.
Bore (more than 20m deep) water starts its journey as rainwater. It also comes from water in rivers and streams that seep down through rock and soil layers.
Bore water may look clear, but it doesn’t mean it’s safe or healthy to drink. There are a lot of potential contaminants that can leak through the soil (animal feces, septic tank run-off, chemical leaching). Other contaminants include nitrates, fertilizers, human waste, iron (non-health risk), arsenic and boron (geothermal areas).
A bore sits in aquifers, either confined (secure) or not confined (insecure). A secure aquifer has a layer of solid overlying material that forms a protected collection of water, safeguarding contamination. An unconfined aquifer doesn’t have a protective layer and surface water can seep in.
Ask your municipality what type of aquifer you have, as your city will have a record of what layers of your well or bore were drilled.
Healthy Water Is Essential: Keep Your Water As Clean As It Can Be
- Eliminating or minimizing your use of harsh chemicals to protect global waters from chemicals. Chemicals in your water can devastate ecosystems. Nitrogen and phosphorus (fertilizers), stimulate algae growth and kill off existing aquatic life.
- Proper disposal of hazardous materials such as paints, motor oil and pharmaceuticals will keep them out of the water supply. Inquire within your municipality for area chemical pickup or drop-off locations.
- Keep recycle/used items from making their way to rivers and oceans. Trash and cigarette butts can have a toxic environmental effect when people drop them on the ground, at a beach, or riverside area.
- Water that runs down our streets after your driveway car wash or recent rainfall carries toxins that may reach your pipeline system. If you need to eliminate debris, sweep runoff rather than hosing down your driveway.
- Reducing your water usage helps water supplies stay cleaner by reducing chemicals used in treatment. Keeping water available in aquifers for necessary usage ensures that excess water won’t drain from our ecosystem. Irresponsible water usage leads to droughts.
- A rainwater capture system and “gray-water” reuse system help to maximize your home’s water use. Basic rainwater systems channel water from gutters into a collection barrel. A gray-water system can be installed to recirculate water throughout your home in non-contaminating ways.
- Participate in community clean-up days. These efforts help keep trash out of the water. Clean up litter along a river, stream or beach, or along city streets or highways. Make these efforts a family affair.
- Advocate for clean water by taking individual responsibility and rallying for a city wide clean water policy. Participate in a clean water educational outreach program and use your knowledge to teach others how to keep your water clean. Get involved and write to your government representatives, urging them to take action for clean water.
- If your home sits in wetlands or a farm, ensure they remain intact. Trees along waterways act as filters. Planting and preserving trees along streams and rivers keep waterways clean.
Taking Time For Water Inspections Are Worth The Investment
Keep you and your family safe this year by keeping your water pure. If you suspect you have contaminated water, contact your local government and a water professional for plumbing recommendations.
Need a dependable plumber in the Metro Detroit area to assess your home for water trouble? Consider WaterWork Plumbing for ALL your plumbing needs. Call us today: 248-542-8022 to schedule a clean water inspection.