Does Saving Water Really Matter?

Going Green,

With 71% of the world consisting of water, why is it important to conserve it? Unfortunately, even with so much water globally, only a small amount is safe to drink. 97% of available water is salt water which would be expensive and complex to make fresh.

That leaves 3%, and sadly, 2.5% of it is inaccessible as it is locked in glaciers, ice caps, and the atmosphere. With 0.5% available drinking water, it is threatened by global warming and pollution. Then you factor in that the average American consumes 82 gallons of water daily, according to EPA statistics.

With those facts, it is clear that saving water is critical. This article gives detailed practical steps to help you conserve water and reduce your water bills.

Ways to Save Water

Humans, plants, and animals all need water for survival. Water is a limited resource with the increasing population rate; conservation is pivotal for sustainability. Apart from that, saving water at home will help reduce water bills.

An average home wastes about 10,000 gallons of water due to leaks, long showers, running taps, and inefficient appliances. Applying the following tips will help to save water and minimize waste.

Use Updated Appliances

Outdated appliances like washing machines, showerheads, faucets, and toilets use more water than modern ones. Switching old appliances and fixtures with high-efficiency ones saves 30% on water and energy bills.

For instance, front-loading washers use less water than top loaders. Another example is using water-saving fixtures like a low-flow showerhead. The fixtures use less water and have comparable performance.

Take Shorter Showers or Baths

Standing in the shower for a few minutes consumes more water than you imagine. Limiting the time you spend in the shower can considerably save water and your energy bills. An average person spends two gallons of water per minute in the shower, which takes 10 minutes.

If you limit the time to 5 minutes, you can save 10 gallons. Alternatively, turn off the water in between the rinses. Then again, a bath can be more luxurious and use less water.

Water Plants Wisely

Water your lawn and plants with minimal wastage by understanding their needs. Some plants are drought resistant, and watering them too often causes wastage. You can also make a watering routine early in the morning or later in the evening when there is no sun.

In addition, keep climate-appropriate plants to minimize the water used for irrigation. To avoid using too much water for irrigation, use mulching to conserve water that escapes through evaporation.

Check For Leaks

People ignore leaks because they undermine how much water is lost or the damage it causes. Did you know the amount of water lost through leaky faucets annually is enough for more than 180 showers? Even the showerhead leaks more than 500 gallons of water annually. Calling your plumber to do repairs quickly solves these staggering numbers.

Repair every leak and dripping faucet while replacing old ones when necessary. If you are unsure if you have leaks, check for a loose tap and your water meter regularly.

Opt for a Dishwasher

Handwashing dishes uses more water than the dishwasher. Use your dishwasher for full loads to save on water and energy bills. If you wash by hand, turn off the water between washes. Alternatively, if you have two sinks, you can fill one with water and use it to rinse your dishes.

Dishwashers use less than 2% of the water in the house and help save water by cleaning many dishes in one cycle.

Turn Off Water Not in Use

Don’t let water run when brushing your teeth or shaving. You can fill a glass with water and use it to brush your teeth. Also, wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of clean water, not under running water. You can use a vegetable brush to enhance your cleaning.

Does Saving Water Help Save On Energy Bill?

Yes. Saving water helps reduce your energy bill in several ways. Heating water requires energy, whether it’s for showers, washing dishes, or doing laundry. Using less hot water reduces the energy needed to heat it, leading to lower energy bills.

Using efficient appliances like low-flow showerheads and faucets for shorter showers helps conserve hot water and save energy. Using updated appliances helps a family minimize water usage and save up to USD 380 annually.

Unknown to most people, treating and distributing water to homes and businesses requires significant energy. The energy used to treat and pump water to 10 homes can power a refrigerator for two years.

However, using water more efficiently reduces overall water consumption, resulting in energy savings. This can be achieved by fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and practicing water-conserving habits.

Environmental Impact of Saving Water

Saving water has many benefits, including keeping the environment healthy. With global warming impacting water sources, adopting eco-friendly methods is vital. Aquatic organisms like fish depend on water for survival and oceans as their homes. If the quality and quantity of water are compromised, it can significantly affect their existence.

Therefore, conserving water maintains the ecosystem by ensuring plants and wildlife don’t go extinct. Water conservation addresses water scarcity issues, especially in regions experiencing droughts or facing limited water resources.

Reducing water consumption ensures a sustainable water supply for current and future generations. Water-saving habits regulate the amount of water going to rivers and reduce pollution. By saving water, the energy used to pump it is reduced, as are greenhouse emissions.

Over-extraction of groundwater leads to depleted aquifers, land subsidence, and saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources. Water conservation practices, such as reducing water waste, help preserve groundwater resources and maintain a healthy ecosystem balance.

Bottom Line

Water is the lifeblood of existence and, therefore, should be preserved. Clean water may diminish with global warming, pollution, and a rising population. It should be a priority for everyone to identify ways to save water and implement them.

We can reduce the amount of water lost by taking measures such as using high-efficient appliances and repairing leaks. Minimizing water wastage through long showers, unnecessary watering of plants, and running taps also goes a long way in saving water.

If you want assistance with water conservation around your home, contact plumbers in Detroit. We are well-versed in the latest plumbing trends and technology. With our skilled team and modern equipment, we can efficiently and effectively assist with your plumbing needs at budget-friendly prices.