10 Plumbing Tips Everyone Should Know


Want to learn some plumbing hacks so you can avoid emergencies? Welcome to plumbing 101. Plumbing problems can occur at any time and cause major headaches.

There are some plumbing tips and tricks that can help prevent plumbing issues from occurring in your home. With these plumbing hacks and some basic maintenance, you can keep your pipes flowing without having to call a plumber. In this article, we’ll be discussing 10 tips that everyone should know.

Understanding Your Home’s Plumbing System

Knowing the basics of your home’s plumbing system is essential for maintaining it. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the pipes and fixtures in your home. Make sure you understand how each works. Knowing where things are located and what they do will help if any problems arise.

Dos and Don’ts of Plumbing

Plumbing is a complex system that can be intimidating for those who don’t know the basics. While a professional plumber can help you maintain and repair your system, it’s always helpful to have an understanding of the dos and don’ts of plumbing.

Here is a list of 10 of the best plumbing tips everyone should know:

1. Don’t Flush Anything but Toilet Paper

Nothing but toilet paper should be flushed down your toilet. Foreign objects like feminine hygiene products, cotton swabs, and other items should never be flushed away. These objects can cause clogs in your plumbing system and lead to expensive repairs.

Flushing too much toilet paper can cause a problem too. If you find that your toilet is often clogged, consider switching to low-flow toilet paper.

2. Check for Leaks Regularly

Checking your faucets, pipes, and toilets often for leaks is a great way to save money on water bills. Even the smallest of leaks can lead to big water waste over time. It’s important to repair any leaks as soon as you find them in order to prevent expensive damage.

Maintaining your plumbing system often will also help you spot any developing issues before they become major problems.

3. Know Where Your Main Water Shut-Off Valve Is

In case of an emergency such as a burst pipe or major flooding. Knowing where your home’s main water shut-off valve is can help you prevent further damage. In case of an emergency, shut off the valve and call a professional plumber for assistance.

4. Replace Old Fixtures and Pipes

Replacing old fixtures and pipes as they wear out is important for avoiding expensive repairs or replacements in the future. This may mean replacing your shower head, sink faucet, or other plumbing fixtures. It is also important to replace old pipes as they wear out in order to avoid future repairs or replacement costs.

Plumbers tape is also a great tool for making sure your pipes are sealed. Applying a layer of tape to any threaded connections can help prevent leaks from occurring in the future.

5. Use a Drain Strainer

Using a drain strainer is an easy way to prevent clogs in your plumbing system. A drain strainer will catch any debris or particles in the water, preventing them from entering your plumbing system and causing clogs.

6. Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals

While it may seem like a good idea, using harsh chemicals to try and clear a blockage in your plumbing system is not recommended. These chemicals can damage your pipes and cause more harm than good. If you find you have a clog, it’s best to call in a professional plumber for assistance.

7. Insulate Your Pipes

Insulate exposed pipes when temperatures dip below freezing to prevent them from freezing and bursting during cold months of the year. Insulating your pipes can help you avoid repairs in the future.

Frozen pipes can lead to major water damage in your home. It’s important to take preventative action to protect them.

8. No Fats or Grease

Grease, fat, and oil should never be poured down the kitchen sink drain. These materials can solidify your plumbing system, leading to clogs and other issues. Instead, dispose of these substances in a trash can or recyclable container.

If you have already poured grease, oil, or fat down your drain, flush it with hot water to help break it up.

9. Garbage Disposal Tips

Be mindful of what you are disposing of in your garbage disposal. Foreign objects, such as bones, fruit pits, and vegetable peels should never be placed in the garbage disposal as they can cause damage to the blades.

10. Empty Your Traps

It’s a good idea to empty the traps under all your sinks on a regular basis. Traps, also known as P-traps, are curved sections of pipe that help prevent odors and blockages from backing up into your plumbing system.

Emptying these traps regularly can help keep your plumbing system running smoothly and reduce the risk of clogs and blockages.

Know When to Call a Professional

While many plumbing issues can be fixed with DIY solutions, there are times when it’s best to call in a professional. If you find that your problem is beyond your skill level or if the issue persists even after trying DIY methods, then it’s time to call in a professional plumber.

A professional plumber will be able to diagnose the problem and provide you with an effective solution. They can also help identify any potential issues with your plumbing system and make repairs as needed.

Look for a plumber who is licensed and experienced in order to get the best results.

Using these 10 plumbing tips and tricks can help you save time, money, and frustration by preventing plumbing problems from occurring in your home. Knowing what to do when a problem arises can also help you reduce the amount of damage that occurs and help get it fixed quickly.

Follow These Plumbing Tips

These ten plumbing tips can help you maintain your plumbing system and spot any developing issues before they become major problems. Taking the time to care for your plumbing system will save you money, headaches, and potential water damage in the future.

If you ever find yourself in need of professional assistance with your plumbing system, Waterworks Plumbing is here to help. Our experienced and licensed team of plumbers can provide you with the best solutions to fit your needs. Contact us to make an appointment at any time.