Save Water Outside

Going Green,

If you want to save water in the outdoors, you will have to begin with small adjustments. These small adjustments when bunched together can save a considerable amount of water. Here are a few water saving tips for the outdoors.

Use Drip Irrigation

Instead of using a sprinkler which is very wasteful, use a drip irrigation system to conserve water. It takes the water where it is needed; to the roots. Alternatively, you can hand water the plants instead of hosing them or using a sprinkler.

Reduce the Evaporation of Water From the Soil

Do not remove the lower branches on shrubs and low level trees. It will keep the soil cool and reduce evaporation. Leaf litter should be allowed to accumulate on the ground because it adds humus to the soil. Humus can also reduce evaporation of water from the soil.

Clean Your Driveway or Patio With a Broom

Instead of using a water hose to wash down the driveway or patio, use a broom to do the same job.

Do Not Water the Lawn During Winter

Let the lawn lie dormant (becomes brown) during the winter. You have to water dormant grass only once every three or four weeks and even less in the rainy season. The lawn should not be watered during windy days because most of it will get evaporated. When you mow the lawn, set the blade higher by one notch because longer grass is less amenable to evaporation.

Plant Native Species in Your Yard

Instead of invasive species, plant native species of plants and trees in your yard. Invasive species of trees like eucalyptus and acacia can leech the water from the soil.

Cover the Swimming Pool

An uncovered swimming pool can lose up to 1000 gallons of water every month through evaporation. Buy a pool cover and use it to protect the pool.

Control the Hose With a Pistol Grip

Do not keep the hose running when you are watering your plants or cleaning your car. Use a pistol grip to control the flow of water, so that you do not have to run to the outdoor faucets to turn the hose on and off. For more water conservation tips for the outdoors, please contact WaterWork Plumbing at (248) 542-5022.